Dropoff and Dismissal Procedures
* Dropoff is from 7:20 – 7:50
Students cannot be dropped off before 7:20
* Parents will use the small circle in front of the cafeteria to drop off students
* If you need to get out of your car or if you want to walk your child to the front door, please park in the visitor parking lot so that drop off traffic won’t be blocked.
* After 7:50, students arriving are considered tardy. Please walk your child in and sign them in to school after 7:50
* Car rider dismissal is from 3:00 – 3:15
* Students will be dismissed at the lower entrance to the school (use the large loop around the staff parking lot)
* Please stay in your car – your student will be brought out to you
* After 3:15, all remaining car riders will be taken to the cafeteria to be supervised by the teachers on bus duty. Please park in the small visitor parking lot and enter the school’s front entrance to pick up your child.